Where are all the deciduous trees?
This was one of the few 4 day weekends that are coming up, so I should take advantage of my free time. I spent 3/4 of my first lovely 4 day weekend, at lovely Belknap hot springs. This was, of course, to celebrate my mother's birthday. This was a nice get away for her, because she needed some peace and quiet. This was delivered to the extreme at Belknap, they have no phones, computers or TV in any of the rooms, and of course you are at a hot spring, so there's the naturally heated pools, warm lodge, and complimentary breakfasts. In fact, it would be hard not to feel relaxed at Belknap, unless of course, you are m
e, and are frightened by silence, and sleeping in beds that do not have at least one side against a wall.
The drive to the hot springs was lovely, like any other long scenic drives. We stopped here and there to get out, look at things, and take pictures of things like a miniature donkey farm, a Flintstone house, an all year Christmas store, and things that just looked pretty. The trip even gave me a chance to use a new headphone technique.
I thought of the technique on a trip in August, but at the time did not have the equipment needed. Here is what you will need: 1. Music player of some sort (i.e CD player, iPod, mp3 player)
2. A run of the mill head phone splitter, for two head sets
3. The dumb head phones that come with iPods, or any type you stick in your ear & 4. Big head phones that provide a space between your ear and the actual phones. Can you guess what I did next? I bet you can! you got it... Plug both head sets into the splitter, and that into the music player, then put the dumb ear phones in, and then the big head set, and play your music REALLY REALLY loud! Most of the time, this will block out any unwanted noise, to provide a more enjoyable listening experience. If it doesn't, then I'm sorry.
So, other than the drive, and the time actually spent at the lodge, we ate dinner at a log cabin, where no one talked, and a few people actually cried, and went site-seeing in little Oregon towns, we had all seen over and over again. In the little town of Sisters, we went about looking at galleries to ponder as possible place to put my dad's art work. Really, I think my dad just liked telling people he was a "budding artist". We looked at a few more stores, like "the dime store", were I got myself a cap gun, and Lacey a coonskin hat (not real, don't worry), neither of which were a dime. I also bought some buttons from an old man at a used book store. After we had done all we could for the longest time possible in Sisters, we started driving, and I was only informed once we got there, that we were going all the way to Bend, just to go to Ranch Records, for the sole purpose of getting a David Bowie CD for the car ride back to the Lodge. I liked this very much, especially since I have recently decided that once you start compromising fun for practicality, you're too old.
After that, until the time we got home, nothing really happened that is worth writing about in a blog, other then stopping at an all year Christmas store and hearing a very funny, very deep conversation between the two owners, who neither of which looked like they wanted to be running an all year Christmas store in the middle of nowhere. When we got home, I unpacked, read the 7 messages I had in my mail box (I haven't got an e-mail since then), and went back to my life. Then Lacey came over, and we celebrated daylight savings by watching the Pete and Pete episode about daylight savings (I recommend you do the same), sewing stuff, filming things, and baking at 2 in the morning (we do that all the time, not just for daylight savings). Then we had a nice extra hour of sleep, got up and looked at the computer, and I am still there, at the computer. But I cant do this anymore, tomorrow's Halloween, I want to carve a pumpkin, so I will leave you there.
Thai Noodles
I set up this fancy meal for myself this afternoon, because I was fairly bored, and hungry. It was Thai curry noodles and I decided to add to the flavor of the meal by setting up this oriental table display. Those chopsticks aren't just for show, I really did use those and that small cup there, has apple cider in it. We ran out of my favorite tea this morning (Actually I had the last one) so the cider had to do. Now, if I had to eat rice with chopsticks, plainly put; I woudn't
The Story of Indie Pop
This is what I believe in.
Oh man, it's true! I'm addicted to Bowie.
Darth Vader TWICE
The other day I encountered two Darth Vader impersonators. One was a grown man around the age of 50 and he had a beer-belly. The second sighting was at a grocery store, it was a little boy, 8 or so, and he didn't have the helmet, shame.
Since time and income are low, we have decided to outsource our blog to Kigali Rwanda. The pay there is much cheaper, therefore less expense to us, and our time is not wasted. THANK YOU KIGALIANS! we couldn't be more proud of our new staff.No seriously. We didn't do that, that's immoral. Though we did go to an animation meeting today, and got a little bit more accomplished then in our previous meeting, but still not enough to really say we did much. The occasional humorous moments mixed in with some torturous moments and some productivity along with some complete idiocy. Ah, robotics.
To think in a week our so, or wait, more like 13 days or a week and 5 days, I won't have metal glued to my teeth.
I won't be straight forward.
Big News!
Hey guys, this is big! The buzz is, that everyone that lives in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, is not only really cool, but a great person!
The Fall, and other things.
I think I really like the fall, when all of the leaves turn awesome shades of red, orange and yellow, while still green patches show through the bleached ones. This fall however has been rather warm, only the late nights and mornings have just touched the 40-degree line. Where are the brisk afternoons and swirling wind? I mean that’s what fall is about, not rain but coldness. I don't like raking the leaves up though; I could do without that. On Thursday Cielle and I went to meet an old jerky middle-schooler, named Navarre Nolan Smith, great name right? And with us not expecting him to be considerate at all and just say, "What the hell are you guys doing here?!" or worse. We were shocked when the kid came running towards us, smiling brightly screaming our names. "Lacey! Cielle! How awesome!" "Hey Navarre." "Man, this is so cool!" Lalalalala. It went on like that, I really didn't say that much at all, I just stood there. Yeah it was strange, but when he was running to catch his bus, he waved goodbye until he was out of sight. Interesting. Later we walked through the shrunken hallways and visited last year's teachers. That was nice, they were happy to see us and happy to tell us how horrible their kids were this year. Mrs. Smith our humanities teacher said that all her kids were obnoxious morons, or something of that nature. I could tell that’s what she meant. I do remember the seventh graders as being a little pretentious about being in middle school. They sometimes even tried to override the eighth grade in all our humbleness. We'll probably visit the habituated gamer again sometime.
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!
True to my promise, I'm writing, and once again, I only find the timeto write because I am not at school. I'm staying home today, because Igot my braces off. It does seem a silly reason to stay home, but Ineed a break from school, and my two appointments take up about halfof the school day.Well now, to the Clap Your Hands Say Yeah I should have posted about aweek ago.So, earlier this summer, I heard that the band was coming to the W.O.Whall, which was great, because it is closer than Portland (where weusually see shows), and it was a hell of a lot cheaper, only $8 as amatter of fact. We were pretty excited to see the band, after becomingbig fans over the summer. We got through a day of school, went toLacey's house, and after sauerkraut burgers, and piano lessons, gotpicked up my parents, then back to the house, to drop off sick, grumpyDad, and we were off. The ride down was pretty basic, all though wedid see two good examples of small town entertainment. First was ayoung looking kid in a huge puffy jacket, riding a very strangelooking 6 wheeled bike, with a very blank, open mouth expression (Iguess you'd have to be there) We also say a boy, probably in highschool, walking down a dimly lit road, driving a little remoteoperated car.Well any way, when we got into town, we made a quick stop to pick upmy brother, take a tour of his new house (interrupting him from themovie he was watching ), listen to the "best song ever",stare at the stars plastered on my brother ceiling (very well done),and enjoy a cup of black coffee, while chatting about some stuff,generally concerning life.Then, finally we when to the show, missing the first band (one of 4),which didn't matter, they sounded terrible. This gave us time to walkto a nearby gas station to use the ATM, and Wait for my brother'sfriends.We used the cash from the ATM to buy some pretty great shirts, mineis the one that you can see on the website, in the asphalt color.Lacey's is a brilliant blue shirt, that frankly states "Clap YourHands Say Yeah", genius!The first act we actually got to see, was a band from Portland(Austin, help me out with the name), consisting of a drummer,violinist, a shared keyboard, and a prerecorded tape. They were abit boring, but I enjoyed it. I especially liked when the drummerblindly navigated through the crowd, playing a small kids accordion.Then a break, that gave us time to get closer to the stage (that didnot really work) and get situated. They opened with "the Skin of myYellow Country Teeth". Their performance was a bit mediocre, theyplayed a few new songs, played a few songs off the CD, but never playedUpon the Tidal Wave of Young Blood! This really pissed everyone off,especially my brother for some reason. We left before the next band (theNational) played, but heard they weren't that good. Then we made ourtrip home, listening to an indie pop mix, and almost hitting a skunk.Over all I had a pretty good time (other than the absence ofeveryone's favorite song), I got a cool shirt, got to stay out late ona school night, I'm not complaining.Also, to anyone who hasn't noticed the little advertisement at the topof the side bar, I suggest you give that a click, and vote for thecool shirt I designed!
my science teachers are cool
I am sorry I just can't hold it in any longer. There is this senior in my math class, named Rudy, I think he may be mentaly challenged because he kept betting he wouldn't talk until Friday, and that was Tuesday. He talked five minutes after that bet, and lost 5 dollars. He tried to bet again, and again; he lost. Poor Rudy. BUT, In other words, we had an animation team meeting yesterday and didn't get anything done because the main captain Jordan, or should I say Bartholimuel, cancelled right after we came. Productive eh? The day before this, was Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, at the WOW Hall. That was cool, Cielle should give you the details on that this weekend. Earlier today I was knocked out by a bag of Filberts. Hi I am Lacey and I'm the kind of person who gets hit in the head and then writes about it on my blog. Lalala.
This is for you to keep in the back of your mind
Friday night, it was raining, like it hadn't rained since sometime last year, it was dang heavy rain, all day! Enough about rain, that isn't important. My point is that in Corvallis there is this fancy and delicious restaurant, called Tarn tip. My family ate there on Friday night, and I couldn’t believe how pleasing to my tongue the food was. I don't mean to make you hungry, but I just have to say, my mouth became filled with the taste of delectable oriental dinner dishes. The greatest part, was when this little boy came up to the window where we were eating, and started waving at my parents. I don't think they waved correctly because he started to frown at them. It wasn't a sort of evil frown, just one of discontent. My notion is the boy didn't like the way my mom was looking at him, not specifically the wave. Then the little boy turns my direction and pulls his arm straight up to his side, bent at the elbow, like a short quick, "Hi there" wave, but it was really quick. I, out of propensity, did the same thing as he had. I stuck my hand straight up to wave, and I felt like an alien, the boy smiled at that, then he jumped around some more outside our window. The rest of my weekend was cleaning, visiting open houses (we may move sometime, did I mention that?) the home depot (I got this awesome, metal twisty ceiling light fixture; it makes my room look like a fancy and elegant modern art museum) we spent all day there, the rest of the time I did homework and sang the birthday song to my 22 year old brother. Have I told you I am getting these orthodontic torture devices out in less than a month? that’s right! But for now my last time ever wearing them, I get rainbow! Ah the elegance in rainbow rubber bands!