Not for the land locked

Sunday, October 16

The Fall, and other things.

I think I really like the fall, when all of the leaves turn awesome shades of red, orange and yellow, while still green patches show through the bleached ones. This fall however has been rather warm, only the late nights and mornings have just touched the 40-degree line. Where are the brisk afternoons and swirling wind? I mean that’s what fall is about, not rain but coldness. I don't like raking the leaves up though; I could do without that.

On Thursday Cielle and I went to meet an old jerky middle-schooler, named Navarre Nolan Smith, great name right? And with us not expecting him to be considerate at all and just say, "What the hell are you guys doing here?!" or worse.
We were shocked when the kid came running towards us, smiling brightly screaming our names.
"Lacey! Cielle! How awesome!"
"Hey Navarre."
"Man, this is so cool!"

It went on like that, I really didn't say that much at all, I just stood there. Yeah it was strange, but when he was running to catch his bus, he waved goodbye until he was out of sight. Interesting. Later we walked through the shrunken hallways and visited last year's teachers. That was nice, they were happy to see us and happy to tell us how horrible their kids were this year. Mrs. Smith our humanities teacher said that all her kids were obnoxious morons, or something of that nature. I could tell that’s what she meant. I do remember the seventh graders as being a little pretentious about being in middle school. They sometimes even tried to override the eighth grade in all our humbleness.

We'll probably visit the habituated gamer again sometime.

2 Notes:

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

Nolan, what a nice middle name. and duh seventh graders are poos! except now their eighth graders and they think they're all that. BUT THEY'RE NOT!!!!!!

6:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

Navarre is. Ha naah. cOol

6:26 PM


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