Not for the land locked

Wednesday, August 30

Hey, this is neat!

My brother's old band has a song on the new "Yeti" compilation. You know, Yeti, the magazine put out by Mike McGonigal. Well anyhow, it's really neat, especially because it is one of the songs that Austin actually wrote. Pitchfork has a little thing about it today, look at that. The song is "Corvallis" by Fauna Polly, and when the new yeti comes out, any day now, buy it, and listen to it.

Sunday, August 27


Our last post was the 150th one, and we completely passed it by without notice, like we should.
Just to say: I think small innocent posts are better than long controversial ones, especially when you don't know what you're talking about, like I usually don't. Also they're better when nothing is to be said, and/or no one reads your shit anyway.

P.S.Whats really making these last few weeks of m
y summer special, is that the Oregonian is putting out a weekly 1960's origianl Spiderman comic magazine for his 40th anniversary. It's pretty sweet. Peter Parker-spiderman started out as a real jerk.
This and last Sunday's Editions:Hilarious!

Tuesday, August 22

MoNa LiSa & that lorenzo di uhmm

Being in a festival is not only entertaining but extremely funny, funny mostly if you get to dress up in a strange costume for a whole day. An Alfo Romeo stroll around the artsified park and people in tents telling you how hot we're going to get. We took pictures in buggy seats, cars and with strange old men. Cielle got a picture with an adorable little girl in a nice blue dress, they matched. The girl kept yelling and pointing, "There she is!" Tehe

That was pretty cool.

Thursday, August 17

Waiting Patiently

Things I'm waiting for in the mail:
Multiple postcards
4 letters from pen pals
book on superheros
package for a day reading
9 ATCs (artist trading cards)
3 mix CDs
2 mystery shirts
Andrew Bird shirt
Woody Allen shirt
Harold and Maude Shirt
Vladimir Nabokov shirt
10 yards of mystery ribbon

When will they come?!

Lovingly yours, Cielle

Tuesday, August 15

What Album?

I recently had the joy of becoming a published artist, another thing I can cross off my summer thing to-do list.

Heres the cover, and later I might post a song but uh, later.

(C) 2006 Lacey M. C. Indiefoundationofjustification --

Monday, August 14

The Boss!

Bruce Springsteen's Born In The U.S.A is Amazing!

Sunday, August 13

One Thing

Don't risk your life, you can't get rid of the poppies.

Friday, August 11


My brother and I had a lovely birthday the other day, the big 15/21!
Although I spent half the day alone, and he went to work, we have a great time once everyone got home. Our cake was in Russian (my name was spelled incorrectly). It was going to be partly in French as well, but they had no room. It still tasted great, especially with the huckleberry ice cream!
Other than my family, Lacey was the only one to wish me a happy birthday (even 4 of 5 grandparents forgot)
I don't mean to brag, but I did get some darling gifts, especially from Lacey, who brought me a wonderful gift pack and birthday parade (her mom and her niece) right when I had given up on anyone remembering.
Here's a little list of gifts:
From Lacey:
-Giant bubble kit
-green polka-dot ribbon
-lots of stickers
-glow in the dark ceiling constellation kit
very kind Lacey, I love it, thank you!
From Family:
-The Stories Of Vladimir Nabokov (collected short stories)
- Beautiful hand made card/frame
-Camera Obscura, Let's Get Out Of This Country
-hand bag
-chocolate covered sunflower seeds
-and of corse, DC comic stamps
Thank you every one!

In other news, I'm trying to get all my pictures from my trip on Flickr before our pro account expires in a few hours. Wish me luck!

Lovingly Yours, Cielle

Tuesday, August 1

Summer Is Pretty

They are better, bigger.