Not for the land locked

Wednesday, October 19


Since time and income are low, we have decided to outsource our blog to Kigali Rwanda. The pay there is much cheaper, therefore less expense to us, and our time is not wasted. THANK YOU KIGALIANS! we couldn't be more proud of our new staff.

No seriously. We didn't do that, that's immoral.

Though we did go to an animation meeting today, and got a little bit more accomplished then in our previous meeting, but still not enough to really say we did much. The occasional humorous moments mixed in with some torturous moments and some productivity along with some complete idiocy. Ah, robotics.
To think in a week our so, or wait, more like 13 days or a week and 5 days, I won't have metal glued to my teeth.
I won't be straight forward.