Not for the land locked

Thursday, September 15

School and Robotics.

School is underway and finally getting interesting? Well not really. Though today we joined our schools robotics team, officially I know, because we're on their mailing list. That counts for something. Also my math teacher is totally insane, he's also my advisor so I see him more than most of my teachers, but thats okay becuase he's really great. Mainly because he has excellent music taste and isn't a bore. I'd like to say more nice things about, but he made us play a hellish game of integer trivia, which was blah, so I am lacking in good words for him.

In science we get to build inflatable platonic structures, no I am not giving you the definition of that, or a description of the project. I'll just tell you, it's pretty fun. If you want to check out what robotics is though you can go

More weird conversations, last night my family started with how the pledge of allegiance was declared unconstitutional and ended the conversation much later on communism and how Russians can't swim.

4 Notes:

Blogger Claire told us...

robotics doesn't sound lame!!! actually, i never thought it did sound lame...i was always one of the OTHERS that could never be cool enough to get on the robotics team. sigh. how often do you get to see your advisor?

9:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

Coolness doesn't matter, in robotics SKILL does.
AT CV we see our advisor on mondays and thursday's. And we get snacks!

11:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

Robotics is SOO cool, i am on the CHS team and we went to nationals last year and it was in Atlanta, It was freakin OUSOME@@@@@@ But CHS is sooo coller then CV! WE kicked there ass last year and i dont think that they ever had a winning season... that they accually Won on ther own with out getting pciked... that right CHS we seaded second in nationalas on our own. There were 87 robots in our devision along with the last three world champs! :) GO CHS!!!

8:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

Oh Tim! You don't know what your talking about! CV has a far better Robotics team, and you know it!

And by the way, who the hell are you?

11:24 PM


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