Not for the land locked

Sunday, September 11

Thursday was like a Thursday, and Friday was like a Monday

I really do apologize for not writing for 2 weeks, but it was just one thing after another distracting me from what really matters, THE BLOG! Its not that I didn't have anything to write about, it was just things like being on vacation, frantically trying to make the last days of summer matter, going to school, and not wanting to use my time out of school on the computer, and instead, sleeping.
So now I will frantically try to play catch up so I can bring you up to speed on the past 2 weeks.

Lets see, after I took my trip to Nevada you all read about, I spent a few days messing around and hanging out with friends, nothing to important. The family (myself, Amy, Paul, Austin, Jean, and Claire) went up to Cannon Beach where we rented a nice beach side A-frame. Over the 4 days we covered a lot. We spent a lot of time at the beach, flying kites, general tomfoolery, saw 4 Muchos Gracia's (ate at one), went to a big warehouse in Seaside where this guy was selling thousands of records (that only made up a 5th of his collection), bought a neat vintage sailor suit, went to Astoria, climbed the Astoria tower, went to the docks and made conversation with fishermen and sea lions, had a good rye-bread sandwich, and went to Ecola state park, where we got free admission for singing the National Anthem, only to find it was a set up. There are some neat pictures on flickr, as well as a few on my brother's account.

After we got back, I decided I had to clean my room. So I spent 2 of the 3 last days of summer cleaning, and ended up with a very neat room. I think about half of the things that were in my room before, are now either at Goodwill of in the trash. I did try doing a few fun things on the last day… I hung out with people and went to a small get together at my friend Greg's house, playing on his crazy arcade games, talking through a movie, and being introduced to speed Scrabble.

That brings us to the first day of school. That day seemed to take forever. Mainly because we had to go through our entire schedule twice, and many assemblies and welcome things. The next two days went by pretty fast because we only had to go to four classes (1 and a half hours each). I find the whole schedule pretty confusing because there are 3 different daily schedules… Monday and Wednesday—where we go to 4 of our classes, Tuesday and Thursday we go to the other 4 classes, and Friday when we go to all eight. The first day was like a Friday because we went to all our classes, Thursday was like a Thursday, and Friday was like a Monday. Whatever they think works best. I got really lucky with my first semester classes because I have 4 art classes. Yes, four art classes. My schedule for Fridays is like this:
1 Painting/Drawing
2 Painting/Drawing
3 PE
4 Jewelry
5 Literature
6 Science
7 Photography
8 Sculpture

So my first semester is pretty laid back and easy. But don't think I'm a slacker, next semester will be bit harder:
1 Study Hall
2 Study Hall
3 French
4 French
5 Literature
6 Science
7 Math
8 Math

That's not that bad though, French and Math every night, and Lit and Science projects here and there (homework-wise). Really, the only thing I really like is riding the cramped bus, so I have to sit on the floor between big, hairy guys playing rap music really loud, and have to walk a long way to my house from where the bus drops me off.

So this weekend, I have read, cleaned, baked, and watched TV in my room now that I have cable in there (I hope that won't be to tempting for me). Also, last night I went back to Greg's house, and did basically the same thing, but this time, families I really didn't know were there (I think it was some kind of joint birthday deal, and that made it awkward for me, because I did not know one of the birthday boys too well), and we had a really good steak dinner, and carrot cake.
Oh, and I got a glimpse of my new neighbors yesterday. Apparently they are a young couple, but from where I was standing they looked pretty old. They both drove up on red mopeds, each with a matching red helmet that neither of them took off the whole 3 min. they took to look at their new house (not enough time?) They also walked right next to each other and walked at the exact same pace, and were wearing similar outfits. It doesn't sound to weird, but it really was.

So really, that's it.

2 Notes:

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

Peggy Fleming
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Hey, great blog! Keep it up.

I have a digitalcamera site. It pretty much covers digitalcamera
related stuff.

Come and have a look if you get time :-)

8:41 PM

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

I think your neighbors may be aliens!

6:28 AM


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