Not for the land locked

Friday, August 11


My brother and I had a lovely birthday the other day, the big 15/21!
Although I spent half the day alone, and he went to work, we have a great time once everyone got home. Our cake was in Russian (my name was spelled incorrectly). It was going to be partly in French as well, but they had no room. It still tasted great, especially with the huckleberry ice cream!
Other than my family, Lacey was the only one to wish me a happy birthday (even 4 of 5 grandparents forgot)
I don't mean to brag, but I did get some darling gifts, especially from Lacey, who brought me a wonderful gift pack and birthday parade (her mom and her niece) right when I had given up on anyone remembering.
Here's a little list of gifts:
From Lacey:
-Giant bubble kit
-green polka-dot ribbon
-lots of stickers
-glow in the dark ceiling constellation kit
very kind Lacey, I love it, thank you!
From Family:
-The Stories Of Vladimir Nabokov (collected short stories)
- Beautiful hand made card/frame
-Camera Obscura, Let's Get Out Of This Country
-hand bag
-chocolate covered sunflower seeds
-and of corse, DC comic stamps
Thank you every one!

In other news, I'm trying to get all my pictures from my trip on Flickr before our pro account expires in a few hours. Wish me luck!

Lovingly Yours, Cielle