Immortal Fame
This is an excerpt from one of my free-write journals. It was spinning around the topic of fame because we were reading Beowulf and he wanted immortal fame and shit.Anyway I think it was around January, or something, at 7am, when I was coerced to write about what kind of fame I wanted.Taken verbatim:1) I'd be like Ben Franklin except I'd help the commonI'd want to be remembered through history as a great revolutionist. Like Martian Luther King Jr. and other such speakers. I want to change a certain aspect of life through communication to large groups of people AKA puplic speaking, but more clearly stated. I want to make a difference by telling the truth and getting opinions out into public. I would probably speak about the environment and the need to protect it and it's creatures. Talk of history, problems, I'd go deep, and I might throw in some nasty political jokes like: Q: How many senators does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: ________ (insert dumbest senator in house), he/she thinks he/she can do it all. Or something a little more intelligent. Uhm I would help the sick in my spare time of course, and I might die early but so did MLK jr. and John Lennon and they were heroes! I'd get my family to share in my cause or go solo. Public Speaking! I don't know if I'll exactly do that but that's something to work toward.
Hippie Christmas
All right, S
chool's out! Had a small party, hot tubin', bonfire (we had an honorary boy scout to tend it, yes Eric, that's you), tent sleeping, all that good stuff. Today is hippie Christmas, and for those not in the know, this is the day people have to be out of the dorms, so there's all kinds of neat trash for the takin'. So, we're celebrating be going out and seeing the Devil and Daniel Johnston, and going dumpster diving. Tomorrow: Built to Spill show in Portland. Summers off to a great start.
Lovingly yours, Cielle
Today during lunch we had the most darling tea party. People came equipped with sweets from strawberries to shortbread cookies (courtesy of Cielle). We weren't expecting anyone to remember to bring things, like a teacup/teapot blanket or food, but as a surprise most everyone invited, brought something, and not to mention helped clean up. We had a lucky surprise turnout too. Cielle's brother came to join us and visit with the semi-super senior, Rudy Eugene D. (R.E.D) We'll be sad when he's gone, and if he's not, we'll see him next year sometime, possibly. Speaking of seniors, a lot of them were really awesome, which means, they, being awesome, will leave, meaning, less awesome upper classmen. UH.SO as a result of a marvelous tea party and maybe the start of something new, I am feeling the Illnoise. The dispute between the piano teacher was not so bad anyway, I wish she would stop shrinking us. That's not her profession, though it gets people out of playing pieces. She tries to work life lessons into piano as if she's trying to change our outlook on the world, through piano, what!?Off the subject almost completely:I finally finished The Whole, the whole thing and it took me a month, too long. I am starting a summer reading list that should keep me busy.