Immortal Fame
This is an excerpt from one of my free-write journals. It was spinning around the topic of fame because we were reading Beowulf and he wanted immortal fame and shit.
Anyway I think it was around January, or something, at 7am, when I was coerced to write about what kind of fame I wanted.
Taken verbatim:
I'd want to be remembered through history as a great revolutionist. Like Martian Luther King Jr. and other such speakers. I want to change a certain aspect of life through communication to large groups of people AKA puplic speaking, but more clearly stated. I want to make a difference by telling the truth and getting opinions out into public. I would probably speak about the environment and the need to protect it and it's creatures. Talk of history, problems, I'd go deep, and I might throw in some nasty political jokes like: Q: How many senators does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: ________ (insert dumbest senator in house), he/she thinks he/she can do it all. Or something a little more intelligent. Uhm I would help the sick in my spare time of course, and I might die early but so did MLK jr. and John Lennon and they were heroes! I'd get my family to share in my cause or go solo. Public Speaking!
I don't know if I'll exactly do that but that's something to work toward.
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