Not for the land locked

Monday, February 13


News to the people, Cielle and I have been working on the animation for the Cv Robotics team, and we had our server crash last night at 11 pm just as it was being transfered and rendered (lost most of the rendering and some objects). So, fed up everyone left and came back early the following morning skipping almost every class period today, tryng to fix this AWFUL mishap. I only skipped C block. All and all frustration only set in after the 9th hour of sitting in front of the animation laptop. Please help us hope we can fix this, and if you're from CHS do not laugh. Next year we'll back up our files, and maybe transfer files a day earlier than the deadline.

Being the Eve of Valentines Day, last minute shoppers were getting candy and shit for their girlfriends, boyfriends whatever. I saw a number of freshmen (all boys) from my school at Fred Meyer tonight, they all had chocolate hearts or a ballon in their hands and they were all with their mother. It was the funniest sight. Also tthis college student, had an awesome cowlick that stuck straight out on the left side of his head if you were facing him, straight out.

4 Notes:

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

lacey! i saw you in a video! i have been meaning to go to youth group i am so bad! i have been forgetting. i will go this week!


6:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

A video? What? Yep, and only 3 people showed, including me.

8:01 PM

Blogger Claire told us...

hey wow wow. I swear not to laugh at you even though it blew up. the only reason i would laugh is because im assuming your lap top is not a mac. but then if i were to laugh at that, it is almost guaranteed that my mac-y-poo will blow up because it's all for this irony thing.

i shall email you soon...

5:48 PM

Blogger Claire told us...

hey there's a link to my blog! happiness just pulsed through my body. pulse is a fun word. That link has made me plenty happy. PLENTY!

5:49 PM


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