Not for the land locked

Thursday, January 12

What you have all been waiting for

So, I have decided to write shorter, but more frequent (I hope), posts.

What you missed:
1)I celebrated Christmas, got some stuff.
2)Spent new years driving around desolate Oregon towns, enjoying snow, and drinking White Russians
3)Went to Portland a few times, once to visit our friend Shakeer
4)Did a lot of shit for Robotics

What I did today:
1)Made block prints in art class
2)Lost my mittens
3)Was asked repeatedly by my science teacher "do you think I'm stupid?"
4)Found my mittens
5)Had my iPod stolen
6)Went to piano lessons (ate a sandwich)
7)Went to a seminar, and listened to a designer talk about stuff (neat stuff)

Well, the iPod thing sucks, but I just found out that the OSU campus has just put up "traffic" signs with misc. smiley faces, FOR NO REAL REASON, other than to make me extremely happy!