Not for the land locked

Wednesday, January 18


I didn't go to school today, for a few reasons.

I really haven't slept a lot the past two nights, last night I went to bed somewhat late, and got up at 4:30 a.m. to take my brother to the airport, and the other night, because, I guess I just was not tired.

Yes, We took my brother to the airport. He is going to Russia for 6 months, about half of that time he will be going to school there, taking classes in Russian, and the other part will be traveling willy-nilly on the Trans-Siberian railroad. For those of you who are interested in following that whole thing, here: , he is keeping a blog.

When we got back I was too tired and lazy to go to school, so I didn't. Instead, here I am blogging, I just watched High Fidelity, and now I'm gonna clean my room, and listen to records.

P.S. Sorry I'm not at Robotics Lacey.