Not for the land locked

Thursday, February 2

Myla Goldberg and Some Virgin Suicides

Cielle and I went downtowing today. I believe half our school was hanging out downtown today. It was crazy. Cielle tried to have a conversation through a store window, but the person just ended up coming outside after the first gesture. Then we saw a group of kids at American Dream across the street and we shouted at them and they gave us some of their pesto pizza (two pieces were left!) lucky us (free lunch) but then it began to rain.
We weren't sure what to do so we went to Happy Trails, said we weren't going to buy anything and then did. Cielle added a Love Tractor and a Love and Rockets record to her collection but pity, pity she didn't get a price cut on them like normal. Damn!
At my daddy's office we begged for money. He had just gotten back from the Big University Guy for lunch. I bought some picks with the money I had mooched, and later a mocha (Cielle got a vanilla latte). Earlier we went to the Bookbin to find the fuzzy cat that snoozes on vacant chairs and yet ended up going back to watch an episode of The Office (which is hilarious) on Cielle's new iPod and some music videos. We grew tired of sitting in the deep wooden chair and some people began to linger around us, so we left to find a new comfortable seating area. The Inkwell of course. Here we sat on a wild, color changing, 60's style sofa with a bright green ottoman. There we sat comfortably while we called our perpetual liar friend, Navarre. We talked to him for 15 minutes trying hard not to raise our voices at him, for we were in a public setting. Failed horribly, because that kid is a stubborn mule, and we fought about how he lies and lies along with his awful movie taste. He does have an excellent laugh though. Cielle practically hung up after Navarre blurted, "Hells yeah" to something she said. Weird kid.
My mom picked us up and she took us to Borders, where I bought a Myla Goldberg book called Bee Season (Her debut novel). I could just smell the references from the Decemberists song Myla Goldberg to this book. Cielle bought The Virgin Suicides. And we rode off again to piano.
Four-day weekend-and brand new classes. Clap your hands say, "yeah!"

2 Notes:

Blogger Austin Charron told us...

What Love Tractor album was it? Because, I probably already have it, in which case it was already sitting in Cielle's room.

2:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

Yes, but now, when you take your collection back, I still have my copie.

7:20 AM


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