Not for the land locked

Monday, May 16

May, hey.

I'd have to say Mondays bring the most gloom to people, my Spanish class was like visiting an old folk's home. Its usually spontaneous and demented comedic ways, were not abundant today, and the faces of my classmates were dulled to only a simple blankness.
Later this week we will be watching the ABC 2001 version of Anne Frank, though today we watched a rather graphic and gruesome movie about the holocaust, and watching it before lunch didn't do wonders for my soon sick stomach. Showing pictures of cut open heads of people who were in the concentration camps can scare a fellow.
After this fine movie we will enjoy, Friday is the large eighth grade incentive party, they reward us for our good behavior by throwing us a major bash! Though to Cielle and I, along with many other eighth graders spending a whole school day, when we aren’t having real school, seems pointless. So we aren’t going.

Today I came home, and what to my wondering eyes should I find…but my own guitar, it is all mine! Yes, today I received an acoustic guitar, so now I can play it 6/7 (not 24/7) and really make my fingers rock solid with calluses, so they tingle whenever I touch something, damn fingers! Right now it hurts to type.
Nothing happened today, really, See how I just made a bunch of something out of nothing?