Not for the land locked

Sunday, May 29

Blind Ambitions

That title is irrelevant to my actual topic, but I am rather tired and got this title from a little buisness card I see in this nifty little Rolodex my family owns. Today I saw Star Wars along with Cielle and my oldest brother, Micheal, we had all not seen it, except Cielle (who has some news for you all, you may not be pleasured to hear.) But as movies go, this one definetly went, and well. It was most certainly an improvment from the last new Star Wars movies, I appreciate George Lucas' attempt at creating the background for his original movies though. At times there was a very cheesy moment, but not to ruin it for others, I didn't laugh. Overall, its action and suspense, never allowed me to fall into boredom. After this event we both moved along to the next event, a BBQ at Cielle's. The guests were late so while we waited we chatted with Cielles brother and friend, oh and had a FANTASTIC LIGHTSABER DUEL, using mops from a cabnet, they worked quite well, and we did a nice rendition of the final fight scene.

Just because everyones doing it, doesn't make it O.K.

3 Notes:

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

You guys need to write in your blog more often. This is ridiculous.

2:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

You guys need to write in your blog more often. This is ridiculous.

2:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

THIS IS INSANE!! WRITE IN YOUR BLOG!! no...but seriously. ANAKIN IS HOT. AND THE MOVIE TANKED...THE ONLY PART THAT WAS COOL WAS SEEING ANAKIN ON A 20 BY 20 CLOSE UP.drooooooooooooooool. right......sorry about de happinins wit your buunay

9:59 PM


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