Not for the land locked

Saturday, July 2

I woke up incredibly late this morning 12:00 pm.

Well, after having the very last chocolate muffin and after organizing the pantry, reading the Living and gathering notebooks, pens more notepads, and my guitar I fled for band practice. I was unable to get coffee at my house because for an anonymous reason we don’t have any so I luckily had some at Cielle’s before we began practice. At first we tried creating a bass line to one of our songs that already had a guitar line, lyrics and a good tune. (It’s a mix between Cat Stevens and the Decemberists) Then we moved on to a slightly more challenging song, and came up with a bass line, drum beat and keyboard riff, we found this new song to be very well written and as we practiced it more and more it began to sound all the more wonderful. If only I was able to get my keyboard over to her house in one piece things may sound a tad better.

We really want to make a cover to a song from a band no one has ever heard of, so maybe we’ll do a cover of one of our own songs, that may satisfy our craving.

Tomorrow I and that other girl are off to Portland in hopes to take James Mercer to lunch, oh yeah, and get computer parts for my brother so he can build his own computer this summer.

For the fourth of July there is a very nice riverfront blues festival going on RED WHITE and BLUES FESTIVAL so its known to many here in Corvallis. Thank you Dad for setting up the budget for our town so we are able to have this summer festival.


4 Notes:

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

you must post the song for us to hear!

2:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

How many people are in your band? What instruments do they play?

6:29 PM

Blogger LaCie told us...

The scriptures say:

Who is this? Answer us this, and you shall get, your answer!

7:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous told us...

you must learn to accept the anonymous (at least the nice ones)

4:55 AM


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